The Commercial Appeal from Memphis, Tennessee (2024)

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THE COMMERCIAL APPEAL MEMPHIS WEDNESDAY MORNING AUGUST 5 1925 7 day at the bride's Mr Johnson holds a position with the Eneridan Ice Company while his bride has for many years held a responsible position with the Koon Hardware Company They will reside in Sheridan in the future Nineteenth District east and the other i runs south from McLemoresville It I is th- plan to have these routes served by motor trucks each day NELL'S FLOWER SHOP Distinctive Designs for Weddings Social Affairs and Funerals 12 Madison Ave Six-072 Nights and Sundays call Hemlock COTTON WAREHOUSE BURNED AT JACKSON returned from Mississippi fa*gln have relatives in Looking for Successor For John Scopes BROWN At residence 17 Saffarans St died Aug 3 1925 Richard Brown beloved father of Mr James and Mose Brown Mrs Rosie Brady brother of Air Adam and Frank Broi of Clayton Miss and Mr Andrew Brown of pink City Ark: uncle of Mrs Leola Jones and Mrs KobertH Exum grandfather of Aliss Mary Aloore Mr James Moore and other relaiites and friends to mourn their loss Due notice of funeral will be given A Sens funeral directors Phone 6-1 1 48 6-9197 Forest Hill Cemetery Office at Entrance Bush Deal GREENWOOD Mis Aug Miss Tommie Deal and Calvin Bush young people of this city motored to Car- i oliton and were matried Sunday Rev Brown officiating I Mi's Bush is a granddaughter of Mrs Carter who resides on South Main Street Mv Bush is employed at Myrlck's Garage They will make their home with Mrs Carter i I $30000 Damage at Bag Co Plant The society department will I receive netvs from lO o'clock I nitt until 7 o'clock pm All elul notices for Muntlnjta Issue must he In on Friday 1 Auxiliary will meet this afternoon 2 o'clock on the mezzanine floor of tlic Masonic Temple Mrs Fpr-s-iison president requests a lull attendance Refreshments will be served by Mrs Reich and Mrs Muffet Bemis i NASHVILLE Tenn Ang 4 search for a teacher to take the place of John Scopes Dayton Tenn eon-I victed evolutionist came to Nash-! vine today when Fred Knight i principal of the Rhea County High School went to George Peabody College for Teachers in an effort to find a suitable teacher man I am looking for must hold an A degree be able to teach science and coach the football and basketball said Prof Knight who refused to comment on the evolution trial Young Scopes left Dayton Saturday permanently according to Prof Knight who said Scopes expect to receive his place back Strickland CAMDEN Ark Aug 4 Reeves of Norphlet and Mis Vestal Strickland of Thornton were married in the First Baptist Church here Sunday afternoon hy the Rev Kirkpatrick Mrs Willis Reeves Entertains at Bridge ntT9' 1 1 1 Reeves entertained 12 intimate friends at bridge yesterday arernoor in her apartment at the 1 arkview: Hotel s- "ere awarded to Mrs Cole 'ard Mrs George Iand and Mrs "reston A Sights Reeves wore a sports frock of "nite radium silk IE llOSUFlIl TO MEET A meeting of Ie Eonheur will be held at 10:30 this morning at the University Club As matters of great importance will be taken up at this time a full attendance is desired MITCHELL At residence 1695 Webb Street Sunday morning Aug 2 1925 at 11 am Mrs Bettie Mitchell devoted wife ef Air William Mitchell mother of Miss Jessie Mitchell of Cleveland Ohio Mrs Luoile BJakley of Helena Ark and Miss Frankie Mitchell of this city grandmother of Evelyn and Alildred Blakley of Helena Ark: mother-in-law of Air Anthony Blakley of Helena Ark sister of Mr Brown of Lynchburg Aliss Brown of Como Aliss and Brown and Brown of this city and a host of other relatives and friends to mourn her loss Funeral service will be held from Atorn-ingview Baptist church Wednesday morning Ang 5 1925 at 10:39 am Rev 11 Perry and Cry or will officiate Remains will be taken to Helena Ark There will be a wake at the home of Mr Lurile Rlake'py Wednesday night Aug 5 1925 Interment will he Thursday morning at 10 Barnwell A Spencer funeral directors 898 Florida Street Fhone Mrs Maggie AYasson left recently for a visit in Oklahoma City and points in California to return after several weeks by way of New Orleans where she will he the guest of friends and relatives Mrs George Clark Houston and little daughter Peggy Corcoran Houston will leave today for Asheville to spend six weeks with Mrs Houston's mother Mr and Mrs Saddler and daughter Myrtle accompanied by Ij SaddJer will motor to Jackson A'azoo City and other points in Mis-sippi llr and Mrs Tucker Merritt accompanied by Mrs sister Miss Carmen Brown have returned to their home on AVilliford Place after a delightful stay at Heth Ark at the plantation home of Mr and Mrs Brown Miss Virgie Lambert of Louisville Ky has returned home after a visit with relatives and friends in Memphis Professor and Mrs I Baker of Greenwood Springs have returned to their home after spending several days in Memphis Mrs Baker was formerly Miss Kellie Irvin of Detroit Ala Their marriage took place Monday evening at ChapeJ Lu-penona Miss SEWING CLUB TO MEET The Southeast Sewing Club will hold the regular monthly meeting Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock with Mrs James Harlow 1702 Nether-wood Street A large attendance is urged IK GS IT Childress Spink i FAYETTEVILLE Ark Aug Bill Childress and Aliss Beulah Spink both of 1 lvde were married Saturday by County Judge Dowell euinuns Wi I lia ms SHERIDAN Ark Aug 4 Seamans aged 24 and Miss Mabel Fay Williams aged 23 of Jefferson County motored to Sheridan yesterday ana went at once to the clerk's office while they obtained a marriage license and anted up a minister who joined them in holy wedlock They left for home immediately afterwards MAN SUFFERS I1ROKEX RIBS AV Stansell 53 an engineer for the Central -State National Rank who lives at 415 Union Avenue suffered two fractured ribs in a fall of 35 feet yesterday He was taken to the Baptist Hospital Milk and Diet For In fan tt invalid ThmAgad Nourishing tigestible No Cooking MT Avoid Imitation Subatitota REDUCE! Naturally safel without drugs sweating severe diet or other hardship Try BASY-CONCEN-TRA combined with Agar-Agar and laxative trultsiDoctors endorse it and thousands of grateful users testify to its wonderful efficacy! BASY-CONCENTRA is deliciously palatable absolutely pure needs no preparation It introduces the one vital element in any rational system ofweignt reduction it prevents over-nourishment in any part oft he body and at the same time supplies the necessary roughage to promote normal bowel action It aids digestion nnd helps nature to eliminate excess fat Give BASY-CONCENTRA a trisl-the sooner you do the sooner reduce 100 PER CARTON Exclusive Local Distributees JACKSON Tenn Aug Fire of undertei mined origin broke out in Bay No 3 of the cotton warehouse of the lleni is Bag Company at Bemis at 11 o'clock last night resulting in between $25000 and $30000 damage before the flames were finally brought under control by the fire department after a battle of more than an luliir an a half It was by far the most disastrous fire ever experienced in Bemis it was said Tuesday morning Damage js covered by insurance The warehouse used by the company to store cotton cloth etc is divided into nine bays each separated from the others by a fire-wall Undoubtedly the fire-wall kept the blaze from spdearing throughout the entire building it was said The hay in which the fire occurred contained 20S bales of cotton all ot which were damaged by fire and water 192 rolls of cloth 112 of which were fire damaged and 80 water damaged and 265 bags of starch Each roll of cloth contains 1500 yards Engineers at the plant were unable to advance any theory of the cause of the blaze Tuesday morning although investigations were under way The fire started in the back of the big room behind the cotton it was said None of the material stored in that particular bay was being moved save the starch which was stored in the front of the room farthest away from the starting point of the fire A little starch was being taken from supply each morning for use at the mill The rest of the time the bay was used only as a passageway 1o the other rooms of the wartfhouse it was sa id Jt will be necessary to rebuild the bay it was said Tuesday morning after an inspection of the fire scene had been made The floor Is charred as are the walls and ceiling Rebuilding will probably begin at once No fire has occurred in the building since the latter part of last year it was said Last winter a small blaze started hut was extinguished before heavy damage resulted Officials consider the occurence unusual in that no injuries were incurred in spite of the magnitude of the blaze -o- The 'Woman's Missionary Circle No 2 of the Bartlett Baptist Church will give a barbecue supper on the church grounds this evening at ti o'clock The public is cordially invited CAT VARY BAPTIST I The Ij class of the Calvary Baptist Church will hold a social and business meeting at the home of Mrs Webster 1053 Raynor Street on tomorrow afternoon at All members are urged to be present AIDING IN SOIL ORK TRENTON Tenn Aug 4 County Agent Haifott reports that ho is getting some fine men to Help in the soil improvement campaign Clyde Bland development agent of the Illinois Central Railroad Is at Trenton now helping work out plans for the meetings Watson of Memphis Roy Bell with the Ford Motor Company: Ij McCracken with the Louisville Nashville Railroad Company: Nichols McAmis and Alilton with the University of Tennessee: AV Hardy of Jackson County Agent Dent from Somerville County Agent Hobson front Bolivar County Agent Powers from Lexington and County Agent Ellis from Dresden and many others will help with the holding of the 44 meetings to be held in Gibson County next week The business men of each town in Gibson County are sending a representative to Trenton Friday Aug 7 to plan with the county agent for the meetings to be held in the various towns and schools of the county next week A Hassell secretary of 1 he Chamber of Commerce of Humboldt and Grover Keaton secretary nf the Chamber of Commerce at Milan were in Trenton Monday going over plans for the meetings WALLS In this city Tuesday afternoon Aug 4 1925 at 2:35 o'clock Joe Walls husband of Airs Edna Avails father of Charles Edna and Joseph Walls Jr brother of James Johnson and Ora Sewell son-in-law of Bud Thomas and Dollie Bolton brother-in-law of Pernell Williams nephew of Amanda Fleming Dora Johnson Lillie Afollsnd Willie A4ar dams nnd Charlie Adams and leaves a host of other relatives and friends to mourn bis loss Funeral services will be held at Keel A venue Baptist Church Rev Hammou will officiate resisted by Rev Bradley Due notice of time will be given Emma Wilburn funeral director funeral home J13 Mississippi Boulevard Tbone 3-pax At residence 732 D-mn Avenue Tuesday morning Aug 4 1 925 Ballard son of Mr Mrs Bram-lett brother of Gheima and Bramkttt Jr newphew of Alice Hayes and Mrs Estelle Anderson Fun oral was held front the residence yesterday (Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'lo Irrtrrnrmt in Mt Carmel Cemetery Wig-g ns A Bennett funeral directors 514 North Third Street Phone 6-4047 The many friends of Mrs Edmund Hirsch formerly Miss Irene Sarnelson will be glad to learn that she is convalescent after a recent illness at her home Linvue Apartments Misses Glen Madge and Marjorie Palmer have gone for a trip to St Louis Chicago and Grand Haven Mich Mr and Mrs Evcrton have re NEWS IN STATISTICS BRANCH COOPEH Announcement wa3 made yesterday 1 the marriage of Miss Blanche daughter of Rev and Mrs Cooper of Monticello Ga to nomas Jefferson Branch of Memphis which took place Aug 2 at me home of the parents Pile wedding was quietly snlemnizpd the presence of the family of the 1 and the bride's father Rev Cooper officiated Immediately after the ceremony a adding dinner was served and the oung couple left for Daytonla Beach la- to spend a few days and will later g0 0 Haines City Fla where they vy ill make their home The bride is the third daughter of Be' and Mis VY Cooper Her father is a Methodist minister and has been prominently identified in the North Georgia conference for the Past 20 years She completed her education at esieyan College Macon where she "as a popular student Mr Branch is the son of Mrs d-Braneh of Memphis Tenn He served overseas during the World War and is now connected with the Florida branch of the Finley Method turned from a motor and Cleveland and points o- Airs Hugh Huhii has returned home after a delightful visit with relatives and friends at Glade Springs Va She was accompanied by Messrs Clarence Bruce and Gerald Hearing The party made tnu journey by motor NURSES ASSOCIATION PRIVATE DUTY SECTION The private duly section of the Nurses Association will meet tomorrow at 2 pm at the 1 AV A IDG Monroe RAILWAY MAIL ASSOCIATION The Woman's Auxiliary to the A will meet today at the residence of Mrs Wingo at 'on Spottswood Avenue promptlv at 2:30 pm All members are urged to be present as the election of a delegate for the national convention will take place ARTHUR SFFSSEU Second St Memptrt Tenst I No AMUsem*nTS Olarnr and Cathrin May Cowen Iat ham Street April 7 boy Russoll Hearlin and Ida Brown Rowrf 920 Ayer Street July 17 boy Lloyd and Mary Foley Ray 270 Sinnp-son Street July 31 Kiri Joseph Rov and Fstelle Lawson Griffin 640 Hih Street July 28 rirl James and Willie Mae Ritter 1079 Delaware Street Aug 1 girl George and Sallie Jlmison Duckett west of Park Street July 27 girl JQdarrfa*ge TLictmteg Thomas A Duffy and Faye Slartin Herbert Peterson and Chrystal A Anderson Iuby Johnson and Jessie Jackson Baskin and Parlina Gaston A-Coleman and Hattie Metcalf Percy Hor-t)n and Jennie Lee Kidd Jesse Boyd and Christina Moore Arthur Hamilton and Alice Hough Albert Burns and Bessie Lee Rosa ALLEN At residence 1071 AValk Place Tuesday morning Aug 4 1923 at 7 o'clock Easterlean Nacma Allen daughter of Mrs Dixie Allen of Hall? Tenn sister of Mrs Arnell Atkiis of this city end Allen of St Louis Mo sister-in-law Mr Atkina of thia eltv Remains will ba forwarded Tenn Thursday morning Aug 6 1925 at 7:46 via I Railway aervires Will be conducted from Matthew Zion Baptist Church Interment in Chapin Cemetery ayes Sons funeral directors 680 South Lauderdale Street Phone 3-0518 Mrs Martha Graves Gilchrist of Courtland Aia and Tarrytown is spending a few weeks with Dr and Mrs Graves Mr and Mrs Leslie Moore and little daughter Margaret Randolph have returned home after a motor trip to Chicago and points in Indiana They were accompanied by Miss Margaret Graves Miss Lucia Stout of Germantown Tenn who has recently returned from Peabody College where she completed for the summer term left last night IN TOWN AND OUT CONTINUOUS 1 TO 11 I Bryan Interceded for I Darrow Says Raulston MILLER MARKS AND JAZZ BAND Xobqt FREEMAN MORTON MAHARRE AVI I SON The marriage of Miss Sarah Wilson daughter of Mrs -May Wilson and Mr Floyd Maharrey son of Mr I Ma-harrey of Covington Tenn was "elemnized on last Sunday evening at the home of Lr A Anderson on Summer Avenue by the Rev Blankenship pastor of the Eastern Heights Church in the presence of relatives and a few intimate friends of the couple After a short honeymoon trip Mr and Mrs Maharrey will be at home to their friends in Eastern Heights She and BitS ANGERONA LODGE NO 168 A A will hold special meeting this (Wednesday) evening Aug 1925 at 7 o'clock Work in A degree Visitors welcome McGREGOR SPENCE Secretary an extended stay in the north will visit in Canada on the Great Lakes Air and Air? John receiving Roberts congratulations on the DAYTON Tenn Aug 4 fAP) William Jennings Bryan pleaded for mercy for Clarence Darrow his opponent in the Scopes evolution trial shortly before his death here Judge John Raulston said todav immediately before the apology of Mi- Darrow to the court for his remarks at a preceding session or subsequent to the ppologv and prior to mv action in dismissing the contempt proceeds Mr Bryan came to me and urged me to Judge Raulston said however did not influence me in my decision to dismiss the proceedings After the apoioev of Mr Darrow no intervention by anv person was necessary to induce me to drop the Miss Janie Love of Hughe? Ark has returned to her ome after a visit to Miss Valdora Spis unger Airs ft Coffman and children have left for Chicago where they will spend the remainder of the summer Mr and Mrs Bruce Ford and little daughter MaryeStel accompanied by their mother Mrs George Stewart have left for a motor trip through Kentucky and Missouri Misses Pauline Bibb and Eugenia Buchignarfii left Monday night for Chattanooga They will spend about two weeks at Signal Mountain Mrs John Griffin and three daughters have returned home after spending the week-end with Mrs Griffin's mother in Brownsville Tenn OTHER BIG ACTS Pauline Frederick LAURA LA PLANTK -EXTRA Flrat Feature Picture Eitr Made THE GREAT TRAIN RORRERY Aft 10-SAp Niff hi a 20-50c are arrival of a little son James Guy Roberts who was born Aug 1 at the Methodist Hospital Mrs Roberts and sun will be removed today to their home at 2035 Poplar Avenue -Dr Ij Sanders has returned home after a motor trip to Chautauqua and other points of interest He was accompanied by his family MAZDA GROTTO PATROL There will be a special meeting of the patrol at Masonic Temple on Thursday evening Aug 6 at 8 o'clock All members are requested to attend as business of Importance will be transacted Also all members of patrol ar requested to bring in their uniforms DURHAM Captain DUOARD Secretary PARK AVENUE CHAPTER No 205 will hold stated meeting thts evening at Visitors welcome MRS CARRIE HUGHES AV MISS JOSIE AMYETT Secretary FLETCHER in this cl Tuesday morning Aug 4 1925 at 2 infant son of and Helen Hal" Fletcher Funeral services conducted by the Rev Dr Warp were held at the yrave in Elmwood Cemetery yesterday CJuesday) afternoon at 2 o'clock Hlftt Son At the Gartly-Ramsav Hospital Tuesday morning Aug 4 1925 at 4:35 o'clock Stephen Franklin Jones aged 61 years husband of Relda Nichols Jones father of Mrs Joseph Scott Mias Lillian Ralph Miss Mary and Stephen Franklin Jones Jr and Mrs Maury McIntyre of Lake Village Ark brother of Ed Jones Mrs Bew and Mrs Harding of Greenwood Miss Remains were sent from tlie funeral residence of Hinton A Son 11C0 Union Ave yesterday (Tuesday) to Greenwood Miss for interment departing at 6:16 o'clock At Ft Joseph's Hospital Tuesday afternoon Aug 4 1925 at 2 Tcif husband of Mrs Leonora Gypsy Dancy and father of Rebecca Dancy age 42 years Funeral will be held from Collins funeral home Thursday morning at 10 o'clock Please omit flowers CROPS FLOURISH Dr AV I Rucks lias returned to the city Aflv Dr Gilbert Levy has returned to the city Adv HOLD Elt AV RE A wedding of much interest in Mississippi and West Tennessee was solemnized at Tishomingo Miss yesterday when Miss 1-yda Wren daughter of Mr and Mr? AY Wren became the bride of Mr David Holder of Memphis The bride who is a graduate of the Tishomingo Countv Agricultural High School is a popular school teacher Mr Holder formerly lived at Holcut Tishomingo Countv KYLE Mr and Mrs Kyle announce the marriage of their daughter Edna to Mj' Sharpe of Nashville Tenn the ceremony having been performed Sunday iing at the rectory of the Sacred Heart Church i News and Notes of the I Nineteenth Century Club BOARD MEETING A of the board will be hpld this morning a in o'clock Mrs Eiger Bee second vice president will preside CONSTANCE: TALMADGE to Love" With ANTONIO MORENO (A First National Piet arc) YIrs A Klaus and daughter Mrs Sam Newman left yesterday ng for Dawson Springs Ky They will also visit several places of interest in Indiana before returning home Mr and Mrs A' Kosenberg and Miss Helen Rosenberg have returned heme after an extended motor trip Miss Erna Dudley of Cleveland Miss is the guest of her cousins Elizabeth and Annabelle Paine and their grandmother Mrs Hughe? 1674 South Parkway Dr Sanders has returned to the city Adv TO ALT OFFICERS AND MEMBERS of Brown No 1 You are hereby notified trt meet at your castle hall 247 Poplar Avenue at 8 pm this (Wednesday) evening Aug 6 1925 Come in full uniform to entertain Gen Prestou Taylor Be on time Done hy order MRS CARRtE VANFELT Capt MRS SARAH SMITH Recorder I am now with the Ramie Beauty Shoppe 1712 Exchange Bldg Aliss Zanie AVing Adv WEINSTEIN At Charleston Mi Tuesday morning Aug 4 1925 at 10:30 o'clock Isadore husband of Mildred and son of Weinstein brother of Harry Jake Ed and Max Weinstein Funeral from residence No 1200 Vance Avenue thi (Wednesday) afternoon at o'clock Friends Invited Arrangements by Collins Funeral Home Dr Annette Mebane announces the opening of her office Art Building 1808 Union Ave Adv Connie Open Our Greater Movie Season With Thrill Surprlaea and LAUGHS! LAUGHS! LAUGHS! TO ALL OFFICERS AND MEMBERS of leone Star Co No 7 You are requested to be at your castle hall 747 Poplar Ave this (Wednesday) night Aug 5 1925 to meet Gen Preston Taylor who will inspect the company AVear black uniform Order of SAM FORD Captain FRUDY Recorder Dr Robert Henderson has returned to his office 1001-1005 Exchange Bldg Hours 9-1 o'clock Adv ISTRAND Mat 10-3 5c Kvr IO-4O0 Often end Corn In West Tennessee Reported In Good Condition JACKSON Tenn Aug 4 -Crops in West Tennessee are in a good condition at this time according to Nichols district agent for the division of extension who has just returned from a trip over this section of thp state Cotton is somewhat spotted but as a whole is classed as good and is fruited well The recent rains have helped the corn wonderfully according to Mr Nichols and as a whole farmers of this section should have a good year The cotton caterpillar worm Is the source of much worry in this section now So far no reports have been received that tlie worm has been found here and farmers are said to be keeping a close watch for the pest In sections of Mississippi and Arkansas where the worm has done much damage if reported that in three days time a field can be ruined by the worm The boll weevil has put in its appearance in almost every county in West Tennessee but it is thought that the weevil is now well under control With dry weather little damage will he done but should a season of wet weather set in there wjil be damage from the weevil unless the poisoning method is used Last week in company with 20 of the best farmers from Dyer County Mr Nichols visited section of Middle Tennessee The country around Dixon Nashville Gallatin Shelbyville and Columbia was visited and the livestock and dairy farms studied This week Air Nichols will visit the club camp at Dresden for Weakley County and at Khiloh National Park for Hardin County GROGAN Suddenly at Lakevlew Miss Saturday evening Aug 1 1925 William Alfred husband of Lticy Grogan aged 42 years father of Emily Mary Catherine and Muriel Grogan son of Mrs A Grogan brother of Allen Grogan of Atlanta Os Airs Anna Hudson of Blythe-ville Ark Mrs Carrie Chism of this city Airs John Rutledge Airs Frances Saxby and Miss Ethel Grogan of Chicago 111 Funeral services will be held at residence Prospect Street this (Wednesday) afternoon at 3 Friends invited Interment In Forest Hill Cemetery McDowell A Monteverde directors CLASSES TO HE HELD T1i classes In lnnr economics and household decoration will be held at 9 o'clock this morning JW NORRIS Funeral Home Careful Ambulance Service 1200 Union Ave 7-0585 KLAANMEA STILL ROWING CHATTANOOGA Tenn Aug 4 Another chapter in the internal war of members of the local Ku Klux Klan was written here today when what is known as the Hotalen faction was granted a sweeping injunction against the faction headed bv Johnston members of which has been banished Forty-two klansmen are named in the bill filed today and they are enjoined from going into the klavern or congregating on the streets nearby and interfering with the regular officials in the performance of their duties In their original the Johnston faction claimed that they had been peremptorily banished from the order without trial and made serious charges against Earl AV Hotalen head of the klan in Tennessee and now located at Memphis At a meeting last week the klavern was Invaded hy peace officers and warrants served bn a number of members of the Hotalen faction on charges of perjury growing1 out of affidavits filed in chancerv court in answer to the original bill These men were held to the grand jury The bill filed today charges that the Johnston faction and other enemies of the klan are trying to disrupt the organization and had a squad of policemen present at the perjury for the purpose of stirring up strife it is also charged that the Rev Smith who swore out the perjury warrant is irresponsible and has an unsavory reputation ANNOUNCES FOR TRUSTEE TREZEVANT Tenn Aug 4 Joe Hester present trustee of Carroll County will have opposition for his nomination for the fifth term in the person of Gardner Holmes at prps-out mavor of Trezevant Mr Holmes who has been in business here for several years decided this week to enter the race and has thrown his hat into the ring The Republican primary will be held on Sept 24 The race is warming up considerably in that a number of the present officials have opposition Judge Wilson Enochs of the county court is be-jng opposed bv $1 Hampton Regis-ter AJoColluni Is opposed by Mrs JoSie McCall and James Butler: Walter Butler and Mr Robinson are running for the nomination for sheriff The sheriff's office is being filled by Kennon Democrat who is now serving his second term being the onlv Democrat to hold county office at present GOOD RESULTS FROM LIME TRENTON Tenn Aug 4 Splendid reports come from crops grown on limed land The farmers of the Fruit-land community use lime in large quantities for growing clover to be followed with tomatoes They have 85 tons ordered now and will use more later Mrs Coleman says that she limed land and sowed clover last summer that held through the winter and made a fine crop of hay this sprimg A Alexander of near I- ruitlano says he spread throe tons of lime to the acre for alfalfa last summer and has a very fine patch of alfalfa on it now He 'also says that he will put out 30 or 40 tons of lime again this summer and fall Scruggs of Fruitland says he is sure liming land pays ajid that he will buy lime as long as he can spare the money Bledsoe of Humboldt says he has used lime on land to grow alfalfa several times and has had splendid results in getting a stand to live two or three years and has had good success with tomatoes following alfalfa CROPS MOST PROMISING OAKLAND Tenn Aug 4 The crop prospects in this section arc most promising since the recent splendid rains all over the county Corn that was thought to be nlmost beyond the possibility of making a crop is showing steady improvement and the yield will be beyond former expectations The cotton crop is fine A A Smith who is one of the largest potato growers in the state reports that the rains have greatly helped him in putting out many more acres of plants and that hopes to make a splendid yield He is widely known over the state as a successful grower of potatoes KLAN IS RllKY IN TEXAS FORT WORTH Texas Aug The Ku Klux Klan will not indorse any candiadte for state office in Texas 1926 it was announced this evening hy Dr Hiran Evans imperial wizard who is visiting North Texas cities This will be a new departure in the southwest for the organization pecially in this state where candidates have beVn indorsed and entered in various races for four years It triumphed three years ago It was defeated a year ago when Mrs Fer-gupson and all other anti-klan candidates were swept into office KNOXVILLE DROUTH BROKEN KNOXVILLE Tenn Aug 4 A heavv rain that began falling here at 5 pm and gave promise of continuing all night was preceded hy an electric storm that for a time interfered with light and wire service A drouth of many weeks threatening the water and milk supply was broken Mrs Juliette Mather of Birmingham Ala young people's leader of the Woman's Missionary Union of the Southland spent yesterday as the guest of friends in Memphis Mr and Mrs Leslie Seamans lpD Monday for a month's tour of the west including Denver Colorado Springs and Salt Lake Cit3' Mr and Mrs James McGowan and daughter Amelia Elizabeth and son James Jr have returned horn after a motor tour of two weeks during which time they visited relatives in Louisville Ky Ylr and Airs A A and children of Helena Ark are spending several weeks as the guests of Mrs Catherine O'Hearn on Faxon Avenue Mrs Chester Slimp of San Antonio Texas well known landscape artist is spending a few flays in the city as the guest of Mr and Airs Charles Hutcheson 1S10 Linden Avenue Airs i Slimp has specialized in painting the I Texas blue bonnets the cactus blos-! un? in the field the Alamo and the missions She has recently contracted to make pictures for one of largest calendar manufacturing! firms in tl country Arrs AV Turner of Asheville formerly Aliss Margaret Judge of ttiis city is visiting her parents Mr and Airs Atartin Judge -o- HAIRE At Ba-ptist Memorial Hospital Tuesday morning Aug 4 at 12:10 Baby June Lee only daughter of Alvis and Minnie Ttklre sister of Nathaniel and Joseph Jlaire Funeral services conducted by the Rev Ira Smith will be held from the residence 973 Arkansas Street this (Wednesday) afternoon at 2 o'clock Friends of (he fsm-ily aro invited Interment Hi Elmwood Cemetery DAY FAIR GROUNDS AMUsem*nT PARK Wednesday Aug 5 All Itldes and Devices 3c for Children From 8 to 8 PM MIDSUMMER FLOWER PARADE 200 8:80 PM A Delightful Exeat Aliss School Kindergarten to college Enroll at 1915 Union Avenue Telephone 7-149S or 7-7 145-W Adv FALL PROVES FATAL Gun Discharged When Man Steps Through Hole TRENTON Tenn Aug 4 Harve Dunavan who lived a few miles south of Eaton accidentally shot and killed himself at 2 o'clock this morning He breathed only a few times after the shbt was fired Annoyed by the incessant barking a dog he had arisen and had gone to his hack porch to shoot at the dog His foot slipped through a hole in a plank and that threw him and caused the fatal discharge of the gun Air Dunavan Was about 50 years of age and a highly respected citizen a member of Bethel Christian Church and he leaves a wife and seven children to mourn his demise He had been twice married His first wife was Miss Hessie Watson Three children of that marriage are Beryl who lives in Florida: Dewey who lives near his home and Harry Dunavan of Birmingham Ala The second wife was Aliss Aitie Warren Their children are Estelle Runert Thelma and Annie Lee The funeral will be held AVednerday ADAH DALE CHAPTER Mrs Jackson regent calls a special meeting of the Adam Dab Chapter I A for tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock at Hotel Gayeso ST AGNES ALUMNAE A G-gether" meeting of the St Agnes Alum a a' will be held Sunday Aug at 2 'clock All members arc urged to be unt as several important Blatters will be discussed Punch will be rved by Mrs Carl Belote assisted by Misses Alice O'Neil ind Bessie Cunningham John Collins FUNERAL HOME' (Incorporated) Phone 6-0467 872 Poplar Avenue 99 RACE UP In Chicago Til Aug 4 1925 Henry Roberson son of Mr Arthur and Mrs Fannie Roberson brother of Mr Cleveland Bob Willie Austin Roberson and Mrs Elizabeth Long Funeral services will be held from New Hope Baptist Church Island Thursday Aug 6 Rev Patterson officiating Interment in Church cemetery Barnwell A Spencer funeral directors 898 Florida Street Aliss Dorothy Johnson is spending two weeks with her cousin Miss Henrietta Owens at Friar Point Miss A CIRCLE The A Ramsey Memorial Circle of the Kings Daughters will meet Friday morning at 10:30 o'clock at the First Fresbyterian Church HALE At 1207 Park Street Mrs Amanda Hale wife of Mr Robert Hale mother of James Walter and Willie and Lem-rod Hale sister of Mr Lee and Mr Robert and Mr Will and Jim and Mr Cleveland Ward mother-in-law of Mrs Mary Hale sister-in-law of Mrs Bell McCoy and Mrs Emma Williams and Mrs Leon Dtinkins and Mr3 Georgia Harris and Mrs Dinks Green daughter-in-law of Airs Nancy Hale Funeral Thursday Aug 6 1923 at 11 am at Trinity chapel At Church Maple Street Rev Townsend will officiate AV'm Walker S- Son directors Office 681 Alaple and Park Phones 6-2411 and 2-2403 McDowell Monteverde FUNERAL DIRECTORS 531 Vance Avenue Phones 6-2207 6-2208 Ambulance Service Aliss Virginia Alae Shaw lias returned to the city after a visit of two weeks in Somerville Tenn with relatives and friends AV O'Donniley and sisters Misses Cordelia Leona and Nancy White have returned to the city after having spent several weeks with relatives at Jackson Perryvillc and Savannah Tenn Airs fa*gin and Aliss Mary OLIVE REVIEW Olive Review No 6 AV A will fittertain the juniors and regula members it!) a basket picnic tomorrow at I o'clock at Overton Park letween the wading poo) and Casino AIMLIARY The Memphis Chapter No 62 Powers Withdraw From County Race TRENTON Tenn Aug First Monday in Auferust is always a big day in Gibson County but today has drawn the largest crowd to Trenton almost ever known JA'atermelons and politics kept the crowd entertained Parades for different candidates for county offices were in evidence A parade of 57 cars carrying banners declaring "C'ylde Overall for was headed by a lively hand The election comes next Thursday Aug 6 and friends of all candidates have been busy In the circuit courtroom at 1 o'clock Judge Thos Harwood presented his candidacy for re-election as circuit court judge before a packed house He was followed by Hon Joe Taylor who expressed his aspirations for the same office and the third speech was by Hon "VV Bond candidate for circuit judge The immense auditorium was crowded the attention intense and the hearty applause accorded all speakers indicated the interest felt in this race This afternoon bills were released by Judge Powers annoincing his withdrawal from the race for county judge That leaves only two candidates the present incumbent Judge K- Taylor and Barker of Gibson nine ThaWndBaoa HackC HASSELL At 596 Maple Street Mr Peter Hassell son of Mrs Emma Hassell stepson of Mr Tos Hassell brother of Mr Charlie and Mr Toe and Mr James and Air Troy Hassell and Mra Florence Bentley and Mrs Mary Plgee brother-in-law of Mr James Bentley and John Plgee Funeral Friday Aug 7 at 11 am at Trinity Chapel Church on Alaple Street Rev Townsrnd w'ill officiate Interment Atount Carmel Wm Walker A Son directors Office 681 Staple and Park Phones 6-2411 2-2403 PHONE 2-631C C0LECARUN INC FUNEML DIRECTORS AMBULANCE I04B UNION AVE I raienwAi wviaioM WORTHAM At Shelby County Emergency Hospital Saturday morning Aug 1 1923 at It Johnnie Wortham bus-band of Airs Rosa AA'ortham son of Mail-del Wortham brother of Mrs Annie Washington nephew of Air and Mrs Will Wortham The remains will be sent overland by automobile to Millington Tenn for interment Funeral services will be held from Lower Canaan Baptist Church this (Wednesday) morning at 11 Wilson A Reems funeral director 646 Jackson Avenue Phone 6-1348 OVER 79 YEARS! COMEDY LLOYD HAMILTON In NlfflllK Mnllrce Except bnfrrdajr IO-33c 1 FUNERAL DIRECTORS! REVIVALS OVER COUNTY TRENTON Tenn Aug 4 Revivals ve being held at many of the churches over the county and great results are reported Dr Daniel of Xorri3 Avenue Presbyterian Church Memphis is assisting the pastor Dr AY Powell at the Presbyterian Church in Eaton this week Already there have been conversions and much interest sho-yvn A fine meeting was held at the Poplar Grove Church at Brazil last week by Dr Watters president of Union University Dr Watters has been pastor there since last November and by his magnificent preaching has greatly endeared the congregation to him He resigned the pastorate Saturday night owing to hi? many duties and great responsibilities at the university Dr Dodd one of the greatest preachers in the Southern Baptist Convention preached at the Poplar Grove Church Sunday morning from the fifteenth chapter of Corinthians He stated that he preached his first sermon there using a text from the first chapter of Corinthians and that now after preaching in every state in the Union and in 17 foreign countries he had reached the fifteenth chapter of the hook Dr Dodd of Shreveport La was visiting his father and brother as he end his family were driving to Washington Rpv Huey of Newbern assisted Pastor Ira Cole jn a revival at Spring Hill Church last week Rev Cole Baptized 19 Sunday afternoon CHARGED WITH RORRERY RIPLEA" Tenn Aug 4 Herbert and Lee Buttram and Jim Aledford of Halespoint Tenn were arrested Fri day and placed ii jail here charged with the robbery of the store of Crohfleld at Edith on the night of Tuesday of last week and the Ripley Dry Goods Company in Ripley the following night It is said that all the goods stolen from CroYifield have been recovered and some belonging to the Ripley firm The men -were ar-raigTd before Justice AT Prichard today and were bound over to circuit court each under bond of $500 Up to this time thev have not secured bail and are In jail Craig represented the state The defendants were offered the privilege of securing counsel but they refused HU RT IN FALL FROM AUTO JACKSON Tenn Aug 4 Aliss Etht4rn Rooks of raducah Ky was hadlWinjured yesterday near Alamo wherr she was thrown from an auto turning a curve She was brought to a local hospital where examination revealed a skull fracture She was riding with several Jacksonlans Her parents Mr and Mrs Rooks arrived from Paducah last night and are at her bedside 8HAW Suddenly at residence 708 Ayers Street Tuesday afternoon Aug 4 1925 at 1:45 o'clock Evelyn daughter of Mr and Mrs Tony Shaw niece of Airs Katie Belle Ruffin and John Lewis Shaw granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Smith of Chicago 111 an Mr nnd Mrs Charlie Shaw of this city Chicago TI! papers please copy Wilson A Reems funeral didcctors 546 Jackson Avenue Phene 6-1346 TONES Suddenly at the foot of Beal" Avenue Tuesday afternoon Aug 4 1925 at 6 T'red Jones The body is lying in the morgue of AVilson A Reems 5 43 Jackson Avenue awaiting arrival of relatives Phone 6-1348 STONE At Oakville Sanitarium Aug 4 1925 Frank Janies Stone son of Mr and Airs Frank Stone brother of Mrs WE ARE STILL CONTINUING Our Real Clearance Sale! Of every Phil A Halle ultra-fine street dress afternoon frocks evening gown ensemble and coat at lA off 2 get excited over a mere price! Reserve your enthusiasm for what the price buys In the midst of prices everywhere opportunities here are unique because the fashions they involve are unusual Phil A Halle Clearance Sale Prices for Phil A Halle quality Apparel are most unusual right now The Shop of PHIL A HALLE Exchange Building Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention I I I WORLDS FINEST AMBULANCE 1160 UNION XV WARRING AGAINST TYPHOID TRENTON Tenn Aug 4 Gibson County health department is waging an energetic campaign against typhoid fever in the county Dr Roberts the director of the unit and Miss Sanborn and Aliss Bedford nurses atg holding inoculation clinics at 70 points throughout the county More than 3000 people have been inoculated to date Air Sullivan the sanitary inspector has constructed more than 200 sanitarv privies in the rural districts In the last two years typhoid ivas reduced by more than 60 per cent and it is expected that a still greater reduction will follow this year's work in Gibson County During the past week a patient was sent by the health department to the Methodist Hospital in Memphis for an operation for appendicitis another was sent to an eye specialist in Memphis STORES CLOSE THURSDAY HUMBOLDT Tenn Aug 4 The dry goods and furniture stores of Humboldt will be closed each Thursday afternoon during the month of August The stores signing for this arrangement are Milton I Baum Reynolds Inc Store No 12 Strasberg Bros Warmath-Thweatt Hunt Brothers Fuprniture Co Polly Prim Shop Threadgill Joseph Strasberg Reese and Liles Furniture Co This is the first time this city has adopted this holiday plan Jt is planned to have all houses in the future to follow this custom in order to give the salespeople a much needed rest during the hot weather I I I I I PHONE 7-0170 I Alattie Foster nephew of Airs Hattie Mr Smith FACULTY NAMED ELMER Tenn Aug 4 AV Estes of Seltner has been elected principal of the Adamsville High School East McNairv County Assisting Mr Estes will be Aliss Macye Jones Airs Fred Frve Austin Misses Laura Lundv Irene Thomas Leva Hickman and Bernice Vann The nine months term will open ATonday Aug 17 Old Floors Refinlshed New floors installed anywhere Use Chears Floor Cleaner Chears Floor Screen Co Tel adv ANITA STEWART The Commercial Appeal First in Local Circulation First in Total Circulation First in Local Advertising First in Total Advertising FIRST IN EVERYTHING We Endeavor to Give 100 Service The South9 Greatest Newspaper Due notVe will be given Hayes A Langston funeral director 99 North Second St Phone 6-1346 SMITH At City Hospitak Saturday Aug 1 John Smith brother of Wyatt Smith cousin of Pete MeKinaie Mrs Nebecoa Sheppard dear friend of Mr and Airs Tom Stewart Date and place of funeral "will be given later Brooks Carter A Co funeral directors 593 WoocVird corner Lamar Ave 2-6212 AY Chaplin manager Booker director I MITt'HKL At City Hospital Thomas Mitohel Sunday Aug 2 brother of 1 Allen eouin of Charlotte Mitc'et Boston Payne Ben Payne Lorriir Fayette Payne Ruth Cooper and a hort of frietids to mourn me iuss The funeral service will be held from Wiggins Chapel Wednesday evening Aug 5 1925 at 1 o'clock Olive Branch Ml Interment in Church Cemetery Brooks Carter A Co funeral director Phone 2-6212 593 AYoodwsrd Avenue corner Lamar Chaplin manager Boojc-Lxucwr1 a-jfgs ''-Wrc SO Not 4 HAMIL SISTERS JEWELS Cooper Shipp FAYETTEV1LRE Ark Axig 4 Cooper St Paul and Mss Alice Shipp Cnralis were urdted ip marriage this weekend by Judge Van Hnose TRANSPORTATION URGED 3w' TREZEVANT Tens Aug The superintendent of the McLefnoresville Collegiate Institute at McLemoresville near here is considering the advisability of establishing two transportation routes out from that town to convey high school students to that school daily One of the routes being- considered runs to the Johnson Braden SHERIDAN Ark Aug C- Johnson aged 32 slid Aliss Madge Brarn nged 21 both of Sheridan were married j-ester- MATS IM0s-CVh M-7S.

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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.